Last year was a year of loss for me. I was forced to “let go”
so speak of almost all that I owned. This year will be the year of renewal, I
can only hope that the turmoil of the past 11.5 months will settle down and
life can carry on at a more sedate pace. It is still looking good for a move in
date somewhere in the 2nd week of June, so I will be taking some
much needed time off to calmly reorganize my life and get settled again.
In pottery news, I have been working on a new type of handle/knob
for my casseroles. This is one area where I have always struggled to get
something that looks good. My handles have either looked like they were an
after thought, or were either too big or too small. I have thrown knobs, used strap handles, pulled and attached or pulled in place lugs, rolled lugs
etc. Sometimes they come out nice, but usually they either look contrived, or
tortured into submission. Then one day I was watching YouTube videos and came
across a Bill Van Gilder video of how
he makes a “shell” handle by gradually slapping and stretching a coil into a “shell”
shape. I have played around with it on rims of batter bowls (see previous
posts) and then I added a whole bunch of them to a rim to add some height and
decorative interest. Then I had a thought that they would look good if they
were more 3D. So I made 2 of equal size, bulged them out a bit and then
attached them edge to edge to achieve a hollow yet full knob for the lid. I
added 2 smaller “shells” to the side for lugs. I think this worked out fairly
well. I will play around a bit more, but so far it’s looking good.
And last but definitely not least, I won the draw for the Michael Kline cup for the Christa Assad fundraiser and it arrived in the mail the other day. It is the sweetest little thing and drinks very well. It will find a nice home in my new condo with all the other pots from other potters that I already have.