Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Fairview Studios Fall Pottery Sale!! - WE ARE MOVING LOCATIONS!!

The next Fairview Studios pottery sale will be on Sunday, November 26th from 10 - 2pm this year. Also note that we have had to change locations again (sorry about that). We made this decision after our costs for hall rentals almost doubled and in order to keep our pots affordable, we will now be located at the Kingsland Community Hall.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Up Next: Art Horizons Show

If you are in Calgary on Saturday, October 14th, you should consider coming to this show.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Soda fired in the Kootenays

Wow, Almost a whole year has slipped by since I posted anything. So, not to bore you with the reasons why I have been so remiss in keeping this updated, I will instead show off a few pots that came out of a very special firing that I took part in at the beginning of September. The Alberta Potters Association organized a pottery retreat to fire Robin Dupont's train kiln, but Mother Nature had other ideas. For most of the summer, it appeared as though British Columbia was all on fire and as bad luck would have it, Robin lives smack dab in the middle of the Kootenays where a lot of the fires were located. That didn't stop us though. Plans were changed, and we fired his soda kiln twice instead. I had made a very large quantity of pots in anticipation of the wood firing (over 6 cubic feet of work), but in the end, I probably got 1/3rd of that volume fired. Still, not a bad haul. These are a few of the pots that came out of the first load. To get these very matte blacks and smoky greys, the kiln was reduction cooled to develop more depth of surface etc. I'll have more pictures when I get around to shooting them.