Thursday, April 14, 2011

Several Spring Sales Coming Up...

I have not been blogging as much as I have been in the past. Mostly due to my hectic schedule, and by the time I get home, I rarely have the energy to produce a post.
Anyway, this is what I will be up to for the next month. I have a sale this Saturday, another one 2 weeks after that, and another 2 weeks after that. Every other moment I am not either working for the man, or at a sale, I will be in the studio, replenishing my stock.

I will be at this sale on Saturday....

This is the sale I will be at in 2 weeks 

This is a new sale that I have never been a part of before. You may notice that only paintings are on the invite, but there will be two guest artists, and as it turns out, we are both potters
Here is a list of the artists that will be in attendance....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just a few things from the last firing

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just when you thought it was over...

This is the view out the window at Ceramics Canada. If I took this picture yesterday, you would have not seen all this white stuff...
We have had a horrible winter here in Calgary, and we finally thought it was over, but Mother Nature had one last ugly surprise up her sleeve. This time next week it is supposed to be +12 celcius, so hopefully this is the last of the white stuff for the year (yeah right). They forecasted that the snow we are getting today will be the equivalent to the total average snowfall for April. 15-20 cm.
Oh well, I may get to leave a bit early today and then I can go to the studio and fool around there.