Sunday the 13th will be the official opening of the Artists and Friends – Emerging Talent show at Centennial Gallery. I delivered and set up my work on Sunday, met one of the other participants (she is doing some really nice hand build work). I will be taking pictures of the event, and will post them Sunday night (unless I am too lazy).
I am looking forward to this event. It will be my first gallery show. I do sell out of Galleria, but they do not do shows, and are currently relocating, so as of Jan 31st, I will not have a venue until March 1. I am hoping that Centennial will generate some new interrest in my work. I might even become a gallery member...not sure yet though. It is a cooperative, and so would require a commitment to work there on my part.
As for Galleria, I am excited about the move. They had to leave their current location due to the dramatic increase in their rent, but found a space in another trendy area of town (Inglewood). They are currently in Kensington, which is also a shopping destination hotspot, but good parking is hard to find, and it is too hard to get in and out of. The popularity of Inglewood is on the rise, whereas Kensinton has, in my opinion, peaked, and is now kind of flat.
Anyway, lots of change in the next little while, and hopefully it will all be for the good.